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Tuesday, 1 January 2013

It's the end of 2012, but there's more to come

More to Come
(watch in HD!)

Dec 2012 Statistics
Dear readers,

Wishing all of you, and your families, a Happy New Year!

Thanks to your support, 2012 has been a fantastic year for FootballMania. 
Readership increased, and we managed to reach out to South Americans, who have not visited our blog ever since we started. We also set up a "Game Day" page this year, with live commentaries of major matches. Creating a Facebook page was also something we have done, as well as adding "AddThis", which allows readers to share or "like" the article using various social networking sites.  

However, our biggest decisions was to launch FootballMania and customize what Blogger had given us, as well as apply to show GoogleAds on our site. We successfully applied to GoogleAds, and we decided that the little profit that we get from it can be slowly accumulated for donation to charity.

Happy New Year!


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